Colorectal Surgery

Since 1996 the department of Colorectal Surgery is well-established specialty department which caters toabout 1200 medical patients and approximately 100 surgical patients every year.

This department treats diseases affecting the large intestines medically or surgically depending upon the affliction. Exclusive specialized treatment of diseases affecting the colon rectum is available only in few hospitals in the country and the colorectal department of our hospital l is one of the few in the country to offer exclusive treatment, both medical and surgical in diseases of the colon and rectum. Most of the cases are being treated on daycare basis and under local Anaesthesia. The department is known to be one of the center for excellence under the expertise of the proficient colorectal clinicians who are always available for providing the best of medical care. Patients are investigated according to requirement and post-operative care is personalized and relatives are taught post-operative care until complete recovery.


  • Consultations
  • Investigations
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment, both medical and surgical of diseases affecting the anus, rectum and colon.