Dr. Kashvi Satyen Mehta
Department of Pathology
M.B.B.S , M.D. Pathology, M.R.C.Pathology
Area Of Interest
Special interest in Haematology
Also looking after biochemistry and Immunology section of Pathology Department in Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai.
Actively involved in quality control programme of the department.
Involved in training of the department staff and nursing personnel.
Research Publications
Done thesis on “Histopathological features of Lichen Planus and lichenoid drug eruption”. Submitted to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences.
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia: laboratory Diagnosis, book chapter in Hematology Today, 2012, chapter 59.
Anti FactorXa assay. book chapter in Haematology Today, 2012.
Familial Hypercholesterolemia - A case report from Dermatologist view point, European Joural of General Dentistry.
Lipoid Proteinosis, Indian Journal of Dermatology, Calcutta. 2006 (51): 51-52.