Dr. Ruchit B.Patel
Department of Gastroenterology


Dr. Ruchit Patel is a young and dynamic Gastroenterologist practicing in Mumbai. He has an experience of more than 8 years in the field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Dr.Patel is a meticulous doctor and up to date with all the new nuances in the field of Gastroenterology .
He has special interest in patient with Liver disease,GI Cancers, Inflammatory bowel disease and Pancreatitis.
Number of cases – More than 1500 diagnostic endoscopy procedure and more than 500 therapeutic endoscopy procedure


Awards and Recognition

    Awarded Gold Medal  In The University Examination In D.M. Medical Gastroenterology for the year 2018

Research Publications

    Paper Presentation
    Evalution on Non Invasive biomarkers,AST to Platelet Ratio (APRI) and Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) in evaluation of liver fibrosis at TNISGCON 2017
    Complete Hemostasis with Argon Plasma coagulation in Bleeding gastric ulcers complicating subacute corrosive injury at Endoscopy 2017 in Coimbtore