Dr. Abhishek A Nerurkar
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
MS Orthopaedics, DNB Orthopaedics


Number of years associated with Lilavati Hospital 
Total years of experience : 11 years 
Number of cases done (throughout the practice) 3500
Overseas training and assignments 1. Fellowship - Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy, Germany, 2. Fellowship - Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Germany
Achievements: Faculty in numerous regional and national Orthopaedic courses and conferences

Area Of Interest

    Knee and Shoulder Surgery (Arthroscopy & Joint Replacement Surgery), Orthopaedic Traumatology (Fractures and Dislocations)

Research Publications

    1. Abhishek Nerurkar,  Mishil Parikh; Non or minimally displaced acromion fractures treated conservatively with shoulder spica: Our experience with 13 cases; International journal of research in health sciences; 2015; 3(1): 109-113
    2. Abhishek Nerurkar,  Mishil Parikh, Dr. Vishwajeet Chauhan; A rare case of solitary Osteochondroma of the anterior superior iliac spine: A case report; International journal of orthopedic sciences, 2015; Vol1(1), p31-33.
    3. Abhishek Nerurkar , Jagdeesh Panse , Kantilal Sancheti, Rajeev Joshi, Ashok Shyam, Parag Sancheti; Surgical and Functional Outcomes of Conversion Total Hip Replacement after a Partial Hip Replacement; Journal of Medical Thesis 2016 Jan-Apr; 4(1):31-36
    4. Abhishek A Nerurkar, Mishil S. Parikh and Arvind B. Goregaonkar; CASE STUDY: CASE OF MINIMALLY DISPLACED ACROMION FRACTURE TREATED CONSERVATIVELY WITH SHOULDER SPICA; International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 7, Issue, 05, pp.16471-16474, May, 2015
    5. Abhishek Nerurkar; What has evolved in the management of Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries: First Half of 2020 when world was facing the Pandemic and the so called ‘New Normal’; Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics, Vol 6, issue 1, Jan-Jun 2021, p84-86