International conferences
1.Asia Pacific HPB Congress, Seoul, South Korea 2019
Presented oral paper
Discordance between pathological grade and clinical behaviour of Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: A premise for dual nuclear imaging based treatment approach
Presented e-poster
Diagnostic dilemma in a patient with recurrent hypoglycaemia: an unusual case
Laparoscopic completion cholecystectomy for late post-cholecystectomy Mirizzi syndrome Csendes type 1 due to a sessile gallbladder remnant calculus
Long term survival after transplant for neuroendocrine liver metastases: A case report and literature review
2. World IHPBA congress, Geneva 2018
Presented a poster and a video
Delay in pancreaticoduodenectomy till normalization of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin does not affect operative outcomes:
Early results of an ongoing prospective study
Total pancreaticoduodenectomy with splenectomy and portal vein resection-reconstruction for main duct IPMN with invasive adenocarcinoma.
Co-author for 2 more posters
Dilemmas in the management of Mixed neuroendocrine – nonneuroendocrine neoplasms,
Grade 2 Neuroendocrine neoplasms: A dichotomous disease?
3.AHPBA 2017 Yokohama
Chaired two free video sessions
Travel grant winner [Among 25 other applicants from Asia pacific region]
Presented 3 free oral papers
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma delay in diagnosis
Replaced common hepatic artery reconstruction during Whipple for duodenal carcinoma
Site specific margins and nodal status in ampullary carcinoma
4.APNETS 2017 Mumbai, India
Presentation of the Indian Scenario of Neuro-endocrine neoplasms
1.Award video presentation and free poster presentation at IASGCON 2017 Puducherry
Video: Total laparoscopic revision Roux-en-Y Hepaticojejunostomy for HJ stricture after total pancreatectomy
Poster: Laparoscopic management of sigmoid diverticulitis- Our experience of 41 cases
2.Poster at IHPBA 2016
Fistulojejunostomy in persistent external pancreatic fistulas
3.Posters at IASGCON Pune 2015
Hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma
4.Posters at IASGCON , Ahmedabad, 2014–
Rapunzel syndrome,
Liver abscess,
Solid Pseudopapillary tumor Pancreas.
5.Competetive paper at SURGICON 2014: Clinico-epidemiological profile of 250 breast cancer patients at our center and applicability of Gail model to them: An Indo- US comparison.
6.Free paper at ICC 2013: Clinicopathological and epidemiological profile of female patients of breast cancer in a tertiary government center in Delhi.
7.Poster at IASGCON , Kolkata, 2013: Serum levels of C-Reactive protein, hepcidin and interleukin – 6 in acute cholecystitis and its correlation with severity of attack and recovery time.
8.Poster at BREASTCON 2013: primary neuroendocrine carcinoma breast: our experience
9.Poster at SURGICON 2012: pelvic abscess: a rare manifestation of Pott’s spine: a case report.