Dr. Rajesh N. Maniar
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
M.Ch. Orth.,M.S. (Orth), F.C.P.S. Orth. D. Orth , Fellow, Joint Replacement
Dr. Maniar has been associated with Lilavati Hospital for 20 years. He has a total experience of 31 years. Dr. Maniar has done more than 5000 surgeries.
Overseas Training
Regional Orthopaedic Centre, Essex UK.
Royal Liverpool Hospital, U.K.
Centre for Total Joint Replacement with Dr. C. S. Ranawat, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York.
Joint Replacement Service, Harvard Medical School’s Brigham & Women’s Hospital and New England Baptist Hospital., Boston.
Area Of Interest
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Awards and Recognition
Member- The American Knee Society
Norman Roberts Medal for best thesis at MCh Orth examinations, U.K. Thesis Subject: Isotope Bone-scanning in Hip Replacement Patients.
Participated in ‘Operation Walk’ surgical camps for Joint Replacement at Nepal Medical College organized by Dr Lawrence Dorr Foundation, Los Angeles, USA. – 2001, 2004
Included in Marquis Who’s Who in Medicine & Health Care 2nd Ed. 1999-2000, U.S.A
An innovative surgical technique of bone grafting developed is included in the Video Library of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and was shown to delegates at the Academy’s Annual Meeting in February 2003 at New Orleans, U.S.A.
Computer Assisted Total Knee Replacement surgical training of orthopaedic surgeons from Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.
Faculty on International Intelligent Knee Surgery Courses in Europe and Australia.
Live surgical demonstrations of Knee Replacement at conferences in Malaysia, China & Phillipines
More than 15 publications in international journals
Authored Chapters on - ‘The Asian Knee’ in the book Insall and Scott: Surgery of the Knee, 6/E edited by W. Norman Scott (currently in press)
Co-founder and Board member of the Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons.
Young Surgeons Forum’s Speaker Award at Western India Regional Orth. Meeting 2001. Topic: Mobile Bearing Knees: Defining their role in Indian Patients’. Jan 2002
Conducted learning programmes for Orthopaedic Surgeons on Mobile Bearing Type of Knee Replacements and Computer Assisted Surgeries, from 2001 till 2015
Live surgical demonstrations of Hip & Knee Replacement surgeries at 15 conferences across India
More than 10 publications in national journals
Authored Chapters on
‘Management of Tibial Defects’ in the book Basics in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty edited by Dr. Shrinand Vaidya
‘Common complications of Total Knee Replacement Surgery’ in the Text Book of Orthopaedics, Edited by Dr. G. S. Kulkarni
Established a selective Joint Replacement practice in Mumbai, since the last twenty years. Operating at Lilavati Hospital and Breach Candy Hospital and have performed a vast range of Joint Replacements including complicated joints and revision surgeries of the hip, knee, shoulder and elbow. Performed more than 5000 Joint Replacement Surgeries in India.
RN Maniar, AC Johorey, C Pujary, AN Yadava: Margin of error in Alignment - A Study undertaken when converting from Conventional to Computer Assisted TKA. Journal of Arthroplasty26(1), 82-87, 2011 was awarded Dholakia Paper Award in a conference Advance and Techniques in Joint Replacement Surgery,2007 at Mumbai.
750 Cases Of Navigated - Total Knee Replacement Experience, Results &Surgical Tips was awarded Dr. Massallawala best paper in WIROC conference, 2006.
Research Publications
RN Maniar,T. Singhi: Patient specific implants: Scope for the future. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 7(2):125-130, 2014
RN Maniar, RM Nayak, S Vatchha, T Singhi: Periprosthetic patellar fracture fixation using suture anchors. Orthopaedics. 36(11):1470-1473,2013
RN Maniar, T Singhi, B Gangaraju, A Patil, PR Maniar: Influence of bilateral sequential total knee arthroplasty on functional recovery. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 47(1):23-30, 2013
RN Maniar, T Singhi, B Gangaraju, A Patil, PR Maniar: Midterm Results of LCS knee: The Indian Experience. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 47(1):57-62, 2013
RN Maniar, T Singhi, A Singh, H Gupta, A Nanivadekar, PR Maniar: Post-operative flexion analysis of 3 rotating-platform Knee designs. Orthopedics. 35(8),1159-1165, 2012
RN Maniar,T Singhi, SS Rathi, JV Baviskar,RM Nayak: Lateral Retinaculum Release in knee arthroplasty using a Stepwise, outside-in Technique. Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research. 470(10):2854-2863, 2012
RN Maniar, G Kumar, T Singhi, RM Nayak, PR Maniar: Most effective Regimen of tranexamic acid in knee arthroplasty: A prospective randomized Controlled Study in 240 cases. Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research. 470(9):2605-2612, 2012
RN Maniar, T Singhi: High-flex Rotating-platform knee implants: Two to 6 year results of a prospective study. Journal of Arthroplasty. 27(4):598-603, 2012
RN Maniar, JV Baviskar, T Singhi, SS Rathi: To use or not to use Continuous Passive motion post-total knee arthroplasty– presenting functional assessment results in early recovery. Journal of Arthroplasty. 27(2):193-200, 2012
RN Maniar, JV Baviskar: Computer assisted knee arthrodesis in a primary case of septic arthritis: a case report. The Knee. 18(6):480-482, 2011
RN Maniar, H Gupta, A Singh, AC Johorey, T Singhi: Five to eight-year results of a prospective Study in 118 arthroplasties using posterior- stabilized rotating-platform knee implants. Journal of Arthroplasty. 26(4):543-548, 2011
RN Maniar, AC Johorey, C Pujary, AN Yadava: Margin of error in Alignment - a Study undertaken when converting from conventional to computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty. 26(1), 82-87, 2011
RN Maniar: Rationale for the Posterior-Stabilized Rotating-Platform Knee – Review Article. Orthopaedics. 29(9):S23-27, 2006
J Rodriguez, CS Ranawat, RN Maniar, M Umlas: Incisional cellulitis after total hip replacement. J Bone & Joint Surg(Br). 80-B, 876-878, 1998
RN Maniar, RC Todd, S Robinson, M Critchley: Uptake of 99mTc-MDP after uncemented Hip Arthroplasty: A Quantitative Analysis of findings around the femoral Component in asymptomatic Patients. J Bone & Joint Surg(Br). 79-B, 123-128, 1997
RN Maniar, J Rodriguez, M Umlas,CS Ranawat: Supracondylar femoral fracture above P.F.C. posterior cruciate-substituting total knee arthroplasty treated with supracondylar nailing : A unique technical problem. Journal of Arthroplasty. 11:5, 637-639, 1996
RN Maniar, S Trakru, G Kefer, JP Flanagan: Posteriorly displaced type-II odontoid fractures in association with Atlas fracture: Report of a case and post- mortem study. Orthopaedics (International Ed). 3:4, 369-371, 1995
S Godsiff, S Trakru, G Kefer, RN Maniar, JP Flanagan, JD Tuite: A comparative study of early motion and immediate plaster splintage after internal fixation of unstable fractures of the ankle.Injury. 24:8, 529-530, 1993
N Shah, D Soonawalla, RN Maniar, DD Tanna: Treatment of winging of scapula by muscle transfer. Bombay Hospital Journal. 32:4, 111-113, 1990
N Shah, D Soonawalla, RN Maniar, DD Tanna: Continuous closed subarachnoid drainage for postoperative CSF leak. Bombay Hospital Journal. 32:4, 114-116, 1990
V Agrawal, RN Maniar, N Anand, CA Talwalkar: Papineau bone grafting in cases of infected bony cavities and infected non-union.Bombay Hospital Journal.32:2, 25-29, 1990
RN Maniar, V Agrawal, S Desai, VJ Laheri, CA Talwalkar: Single incision elbow arthrolysis Bombay Hospital Journal.31:4, 69-72, 1989
DV Nadkarni, RN Maniar, VJ Laheri, CA Talwalkar: Arthroscopy in acute knee injury. Indian Journal of Surgery 1989
DV Nadkarni, RN Maniar, VS Trasi, RB Nene: Acute calcific deposits in dorsal spine causing myelopathy - a case report. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine.34(1): 50B, 54-6, Jan 1988
RN Maniar, DV Nadkarni, VJ Laheri, DD Shah: A rare presentation of haemangio- pericytoma: a case report and review of literature. Bombay Hospital Journal.29:2, 81-84, 1987