Scientific Papers presented:
Arthroscopy: A review of 65 cases at WIROC in 1986.
An unusual cause of knee pain at the MSOA in 1988.
The need for a re-scopy at the MSOA in 1988.
A review of 1000 knee arthroscopies at the IOA in 1989.
Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction – an OPD procedure at IOA in 1991.
Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using the BPTB at the GCC Congress, Muscat 1995.
Arthroscopic Shoulder stabilization – a report of 17 cases at the IOA 1995.
Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction – a preliminary report comparing the quadruple hamstring technique with the BPTB at WIROC 1997.
Arthroscopy Workshops conducted:
Rajkot – Gujarat Orthopaedic Association.
Bhopal – M.P. Chapter of IOA.
Kolkata – Kothari Medical Center.
Govt. Medical Colleges in Pondichery, Sholapur, Madurai & Jamnagar.
Colombo General Hospital, Sri Lanka.
Dhaka, Bangla Desh.
Dow hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
Faculty –Arthrex cadaveric lab in Bangkok for basic & advanced knee courses.