Dr. Hemant J. Mehta
Department of Nephrology
MD (Medicine), DM (Nephrology), DNB (Nephrology), FASDIN


Dr. Mehta has been associated with Lilavati Hospital since its inception. His experience includes: Clinical experience in Nephrology 28 years, teaching experience 16 years. He has handled 150 vascular access procedures in last 18 months.

Overseas Training

  • Participant as demonstrator in the vascular access workshop during International society of hemodialysis conference in 2011.
  • Participant as a demonstrator at the World Congress of Nephrology 2011 at Vancouver, Canada, for the workshop on interventional nephrology.
  • Instructor at Workshop on vascular access at Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.
  • Participant as a demonstrator at the World Congress of Nephrology 2013 at Hongkong, for the workshop on interventional nephrology

Area Of Interest

  • General Nephrology
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Hemodialysis
  • Peritoneal Dialysis
  • Kidney transplantation
  • Procedures in nephrology including vascular access for hemodialysis and Interventional Nephrology and critical care nephrology

Awards and Recognition

  • Founding trustee of Indian Society of Nephrology, West Zone Chapter.
  • Founding member of Mumbai Nephrology Group, and holding position of joint secretary cum treasurer from its inception in 2009 till 2016.
  • Creating awareness about kidney disease during World Kidney Day by holding CMEs for doctors, lectures and skits for general public, interviews to news papers and television channels and world kidney day campaigns on FM radio.
  • Conducting vascular access awareness campaign for hemodialysis patients in India and conducting various workshops on the same, delivering lectures on vascular access and doing live cases in various cities during National conferences. 1) Interventional Nephrology workshop at Ahmedabad during annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology, 2013, live case. 2) Interventional Nephrology Work shop at Mumbai, 2014, as a part of Annual conference of Indian society of nephrology, West Zone chapter 3) Live demonstration of TCC insertion at AVATAR 2015, New Delhi
  • Recognized by American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology as Fellow, with a title of FASDIN, Feb 2016 during 12 th annual conference of ASDIN, at Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Research Publications