Dr. Asha M. George
Department of Pathology
MBBS, MD(Pathology)


Dr George has 21 years of experience and has been associated with Lilavati Hospital since 2013.

Area Of Interest

  • Oncopathology
  • GI pathology
  • Endocrine pathology

Awards and Recognition

  • Designated Quality Manager of the NABL accredited Histopathology lab
  • MUHS examiner for GI and Hepatobiliary fellowship exams
  • Permanent member of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists
  • Trained at CMC Vellore for Immunohistochemistry

Research Publications

  • Type VI Choledochal Cyst- An Emerging Rare Entity (11th Pediatric Case of Type VI) with a Review of Literature. Sushma A, Redkar R, Sharma RD, Singh S, Thakur S, George AM. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2023;28:453-6.
  • Unusual Presentation of a Common Tumor. Prachi Nayak, Asha Mary George, Atul Goel. Indian J Pathol Oncol. Volume: 8, Issue: 1, Year:2021.155-158.
  • Primary cardiac myxofibrosarcoma with osteoid differentiation mimicking a left atrial myxoma: A rare entity. K.V. Charan Reddy, P.Kumar, P. Sanzgiri, A.M.George. ELSEVIER. J Cardiol Cases.2020 Nov; 22(5):253-256.
  • Mycobacterium abscessus causing native valve endocarditis due to peripherally inserted central catheter line. Gajanan Rodge, Vasant Nagvekar, Darshan Jhala, Asha George. Journal Of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases. Volume 9, December 2017, 19-20.
  • Diagnostic Dilemma in Appendiceal Mucormycosis: A Rare Case Report. Sali Priyanka Akhilesh, Yadav Kamal Sunder, Pande Prasad, George Mary Asha, Agarwal Mohan, Mehta Hitesh. HINDAWI. Case Reports in Surgery. Volume 2016, Article ID 9531840
  • Small bowel obstruction due to an endometriotic ileal stricture with associated appendiceal endometriosis: A case report and systematic review of the literature. Priyanka A. Sali, Kamal S. Yadav, Gunjan S. Desai, Bhushan P. Bhole, Asha George, Samir S. Parikh, Hitesh S. Mehta. ELSEVIER. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016; 23: 163-168.