Dr. Sunirmal Mukherjee
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery


Dr.Sunirmal has an experience of over a decade and has performed over 3000 surgeries.He has worked in JJ Hospital and Dr D.Y. Patil Hospital, Navi Mumbai for a period of 7 years.He was a lecturer for around 2 years at D.Y.Patil Hospital. He went to the U.K to pursue MCH in Hip and Knee Surgery. He received training and performed numerous Hip, Knee and Shoulder surgeries including arthroscopy and replacement surgeries.

He also got the opportunity to learn and perform numerous complex revision surgeries for Hip and Knee replacement in UK.

He has numerous international presentations in SICOT Conference, British Trauma Society and British Orthopaedic Association meet.

Area Of Interest

  • Hip 
  • Knee 
  • Shoulder
  • Complex Trauma

Awards and Recognition

  • Stood 1st rank in Maharashtra University in 2nd year MBBS. Excellent academic record in both undergraduate and post-graduate

Research Publications

    Around 14 research publications in both national and international journals.