Dr.Kodkani has performed more than 3000 cases in 2 decades of Orthopedic practice.He has undergone specialised training in Arthroscopy & Sports Injuries - USA, UK, Japan, Germany, Norway.
He has four original pioneering knee surgery procedures published in premier international peer reviewed specialty journals. These procedures are now followed internationally.
He has received a scholarship and Diploma in Sports medicine(Oslo, Norway) with mentorship by the then scientific chairman of International Olympic Committee 2006.
He has Indian patent & US patent pending for "Dome Stabilizer"
He is the first Indian to perform a complex single stage 8 ligament reconstruction using allografts for knee dislocation
Area Of Interest
Joint Preservation Surgery - Arthroscopy & Sports Injury (Hip ,Knee , Ankle , Shoulder , Elbow , Wrist)
International (with multiple citations)
Book chapter
Video consultation not available.