For blood donation, please report to room number one in the blood bank, 2nd floor, Lilavati Hospital, Bandra, Mumbai. We will guide you through the blood donation process which is as follows:
Registration - Room No. 1
Registration form must be filled and a local address and contact number must be provided.
Personal details will be recorded and a questionnaire to elicit medical history will have to be answered.
Your questionnaire will be checked in detail. You will need to sign a declaration to confirm that information given is true.
Examination - Room No. 2
A physical examination, including checking of blood haemoglobin level, weight, blood pressure will be carried out.
Donor - Room No. 3
Your blood pressure will be checked and both ante-cubital fossae (arms) will be examined to confirm good veins and a easy venepuncture for blood collection. A trained medical person will draw the blood.
A fresh blood bag with the inbuilt needle is used for every blood donation. The needle is destroyed at the end of blood collection and can NEVER BE REUSED.
Rest & Refreshment - Room No. 4
Refreshment (tea/ coffee and biscuits) are served after the blood donation. You should rest for at least 10 minutes and should leave the premises only when allowed by the blood bank staff.
What happens to Blood that you have donated?
Every unit of blood goes through a series of stringent tests performed on state-of-the-Art equipment, for detecting infectious diseases if any, such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Malaria
From the donated blood, some of the following components are prepared:
Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)
Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
Random Platelet Concentrate (RDP)
Cryo Precipitate (CRYO)
Single Donor Platelet (SDP)
Cryo Depleted Plasma (CDP)
These blood and its components are issued to patients as per the treating doctors request.