Dr. Shahid A. Merchant
Department of Cardiology
Interventional Cardiologist DM (Cardiology), MD (Medicine), DNB (Cardiology), FSCAI, USA.


Dr. Merchant has been associated with Lilavati Hospital since its inception. He has an overall experience of 25 years,has done 8000 Cath-lab Procedures.

Awards and Recognition

  • Dr.Merchant is awarded prestigious fellowship of "The European Society of Cardiology."
  • He is from 1978 batch , a Gold Medalist illumine from prestigious KEM hospital in span of 14 academic years accomplished DM Cardiology, MD Medicine, DNB Cardiology & left KEM hospital as lecturer in cardiology in 1992.
  • Trained in interventional cardiology between 1989 & 1993 at world renowned University of Rouen in France and Mass Gen Hospital & Havard Medical School, USA.
  • Founder member and 1st Consultant to be appointed at the prestigious Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre in Mumbai. Has been in practice in interventional cardiology for 20 years at Lilavati hospital till today
  • 25 years of practise in Interventional Cardiology.
  • Credit of performing more than 10,000 procedures in cath lab successfully and mastered the art of treating most complex heart disease under local anaesthesia without surgery with Soluble Scaffolds, Medicated Stents, Peripheral Stents, Device Implants for heart failure patients & other interventions.
  • First in the world to implant Soluble Stents below knee in Diabetic foot.
  • First few in the World who pioneered Soluble Stent technology for complex coronary artery disease. Large Experience of whole body angiography specially in Diabetics and Treating carotids, Renals, lower extrimity & below knee blockages without surgery with stent treatment. Safe, simple, effective, very low recurrence, Pt walks and at home in 24 hours.
  • Recipient of the prestigious Fellowship of the American Society of Cardiac Angiography & Intervention.
  • First few in India to start the Heart Failure Management Program with Innovative Devices & published a pilot study on follow up on 75 heart failure patients.
  • A Teacher & Academician par excellence invited as Faculty delivered more than 500 CME lectures to doctors on innovations & experience in Interventional cardiology.
  • Published a book on " Journey& Experience of 25 years of Dr. S. A. Merchant in the field of cardiology (stents & innovative Devices) in 2014.
  • Recognition and Awards – SCAI
  • Research Publications – Research public, pilot study of 75 patients of Heart Failure and 100 patients of multi-vessel stenting replacing bypass surgery.